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Church Texter

Stay connected …

Have you been thinking about upgrading your church’s communications to something more cutting-edge, relevant and in demand? Then our Church Texter is for you!

You’ve seen the same technology on American Idol or heard it on the radio. People can text your keyword to 72727 to join your mobile distribution list and start receiving your messages on their mobile phone. You can also setup an automated response to be texted back to them.

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The way churches communicate with their members has evolved. Postal mails, newsletters, and printed ads are being replaced by emails … but this has created breeding grounds for unsolicited and unwanted messages and overabundance of volume.

Mobile text messaging has emerged as a new way of contacting members with speed, relevance and effective response.

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Here’s an example:

Person texts a Keyword “YourYouthGroupName” to 72727.

Person receives an automated text message right back. Maybe something like…

ABUNDANT LIVING UPDATE: Sunday 05/22 Baptism Service at Hawkins Pool at 5:30pm. Call office for more info 915-543-8765. Text STOP to be removed.”

Person has opted in to join your mobile list by texting your Keyword, and now using Mobile Marketing Helper, you can text this person in the future to keep them connected.



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